Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Free Lawyer Blog Template for Wordpress

 If your looking for a free template or theme for your law practice, one creative option is to download a free theme and then customize the header to achieve a law related theme.  The following free lawyer blog template for Wordpress was created in just five minutes by downloading the Graphene 1.3 template directly from WordPress here.  This template was created by Syahir Hakim. 

Although we can't give away the header without violating iStock photo terms of use, you can purchase the image at for around $6 directly.  If you purchase the image and send e-mail confirmation to we will e-mail you a copy of the image above.  Once you have the new header, you just click appearance, header, and upload the new image from your computer.  Within the template, you can just type in plain text have your law firm name and slogan under Settings. 


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