Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Free Attorney Blog Theme Wordpress - Black, Gray, Blue

If your looking for a free attorney blog theme for Wordpress or a business blog, the following child theme has been created for Graphene.  You can customize the background that is currently black and you can customize the header with your own.  The child template just changes the colors from blue and light gray to black and dark gray.   To install this free template, you need to perform two free uploads.

Step #1:  Download the WordPress Graphene theme here. Then take the unzipped files and place them in your >Public HTML>Directory Folder>wp-content>themes folder.

Step #2:  Create a child folder after downloading the zip folder here and place the unzipped folder and file in your template directory >Public HTML>Directory Folder>wp-content>themes.  After the folder is created and the css file is uploaded, you just need to apply your theme in Wordpress to the new child theme.  The child folder will be at the same level as your main theme. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Free Lawyer Blog Template for Wordpress

 If your looking for a free template or theme for your law practice, one creative option is to download a free theme and then customize the header to achieve a law related theme.  The following free lawyer blog template for Wordpress was created in just five minutes by downloading the Graphene 1.3 template directly from WordPress here.  This template was created by Syahir Hakim. 

Although we can't give away the header without violating iStock photo terms of use, you can purchase the image at for around $6 directly.  If you purchase the image and send e-mail confirmation to we will e-mail you a copy of the image above.  Once you have the new header, you just click appearance, header, and upload the new image from your computer.  Within the template, you can just type in plain text have your law firm name and slogan under Settings.