Monday, July 18, 2011

Resources for Wrongful Death Attorney Directory and Articles

Free Lawyer Directory by State and Global Listings

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Free Attorney Blog Theme Wordpress - Black, Gray, Blue

If your looking for a free attorney blog theme for Wordpress or a business blog, the following child theme has been created for Graphene.  You can customize the background that is currently black and you can customize the header with your own.  The child template just changes the colors from blue and light gray to black and dark gray.   To install this free template, you need to perform two free uploads.

Step #1:  Download the WordPress Graphene theme here. Then take the unzipped files and place them in your >Public HTML>Directory Folder>wp-content>themes folder.

Step #2:  Create a child folder after downloading the zip folder here and place the unzipped folder and file in your template directory >Public HTML>Directory Folder>wp-content>themes.  After the folder is created and the css file is uploaded, you just need to apply your theme in Wordpress to the new child theme.  The child folder will be at the same level as your main theme. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Free Lawyer Blog Template for Wordpress

 If your looking for a free template or theme for your law practice, one creative option is to download a free theme and then customize the header to achieve a law related theme.  The following free lawyer blog template for Wordpress was created in just five minutes by downloading the Graphene 1.3 template directly from WordPress here.  This template was created by Syahir Hakim. 

Although we can't give away the header without violating iStock photo terms of use, you can purchase the image at for around $6 directly.  If you purchase the image and send e-mail confirmation to we will e-mail you a copy of the image above.  Once you have the new header, you just click appearance, header, and upload the new image from your computer.  Within the template, you can just type in plain text have your law firm name and slogan under Settings. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Free Wordpress Theme Downloads for Lawyers

I found the following free Lawyer blog templates for Wordpress after setting up a blog for a law firm. Additional images and lawyer blog templates are coming soon.  Please comment if you have a free template to add. Each theme has been tested and widgetzed for easy installation.

Download the Wordpress Lawyer Blog Template (Law Blog)  

Download the Wordpress Lawyer Blog Template (Law) 

 Download the Wordpress blog template (Law Theme 2.7)

 Download the Wordpress blog template (Law Blog 1.0)
Download the Wordpress blog template (Legal-Team)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Update Wordpress Blog for Canonical URL (show www)

Google will penalize your web site or blog if they think it contains duplicate content.  If you don't configure a canonical URL where your site name converts to, your content may be considered duplicitive.

According to Wikipedia, URL normalization (or URL canonicalization) is the process by which URLs are modified and standardized in a consistent manner.

For Wordpress blogs, updating your URL to be SEO friendly, just go to your root directory and edit your .htaccess file to the following:

Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]
rewriterule ^(.*)$ http://www.yoursitename/$1 [r=301,nc]
Redirect /folder http://www.yoursitename

Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Create SEO Friendly URLs in PHPLD

If you have recently launched a PHPLD, you will want to update the URLs so they are SEO friendly.  Search engines such as Google and Bing, will index your pages more effectively if they contain a key word that is applicable to a specific topic.

If your running PHPLD 4.0, you can login to your administration panel and go to Settings and then Search Engine Optimization.  You will want to enable URL re-write as "Yes" and re-write output as "this-is-the-article-title-1."  This will update your pages to only list the description.

The next option is the output extension.  I like URLs to be shorter so I avoid using .htm, .html, and .php.  If you select No Extension (Just the title), your URLs will show

If your site is crawled and indexed before creating SEO friendly URLs (i.e., you will need to navigate to the category and update data within the category for the site URL to be permanently changed.  You can try to rebuild the cache, but I have found that you have to update the actual category record for the URL name to be updated.  If you have links built, these should update automatically. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Trying to fix Technorati claim code with Feedburner feed 97MTGKYFBXAR

How to Apply 301 Redirects with PHPLD

If your looking to create a permanent 301 redirect on your phpld site so Google picks the URL you want, you can use the following code in your .htaccess file:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^domain\.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]

Friday, April 29, 2011

Overview of Free Link Submission Sites

Are you a Lawyer, Attorney, or legal professional looking to increase the visibility of your business on the web?  Free law directories such as can help you increase your business exposure through free link exchange and free article directories.

If you decide to pay for a link exchange, you should ensure you know the length of time you are paying for and check on your link occasionally to make sure it is still visible.  Additionally, there are many options when it comes to link exchange sites.

Types of Free Link Exchanges:

There are several types of free link exchanges: automatic, bulk, and stand alone.

Automatic link exchanges promise to get you hundreds or even thousands of links for free.  These types of sites are considered “bad neighborhoods” by Google and should be avoided.  Google can detect these companies and have banned users who participate in automatic link building.  The specific consequences include have your indexed pages removed from the Google search engine permanently.  It’s really not worth the risk, especially if you have a domain name you have become accustomed to or you have created marketing materials with your domain name.

Many bulk link exchanges offer the service of submitting your site to multiple sites with varying levels of page rank.  Depending on the company, this strategy can work.  Some companies allow you to submit to your specific niche and allow you write different descriptions and titles for your submission.

Standalone link exchanges are also a good option, especially if you want  a no-cost or free link building solution.  The standalone free link exchange may go under various key words:  link exchange, free link exchange, link exchange free, link exchange directories, link exchange directory, directory link exchange, reciprocal link exchange, link exchange reciprocal, php link exchange, site link exchange, link exchange site, link exchange programs, link exchange services, search engine optimization link exchange, seo link exchange, link exchange seo, web link exchange, link exchange websites, link exchange sites, link exchange website, link exchange with, with link exchange. At X-Factor SEO free links and articles, we turn around submissions in 24 hours.

Good luck with your content building strategy to get your company more visibility on search engines!